Iram is a member of the consortium led by Initiative Développement, which is implementing the Programme d’appui à la Gouvernance décentralisée (Pagode)in Haiti, alongside with 3 Haitian NGOs (CROSE, GRAMIR and ITECA). Pagode, funded by the Swiss Embassy, is being deployed in three departments of Haiti (Sud-Est, Sud, Grand'Anse). It started in 2019 and will end in 2023.
The aim of the programme is to contribute to build and enhance the skills of Haitian national (State, Ministries) and local stakeholders (CSOs, municipalities, departments) in terms of local development, and to improve the coordination and coherence of their actions in the field of governance.
In this context, Iram is providing specific support for discussions on the introduction of training leading to a diploma for those involved in decentralisation, and is also specifically involved in setting up a local investment fund designed to enable local economic investments.
Thanks to ITECA, which oversees the project's communications, Pagode now has a YouTube channel on which two videos have just been posted. The first focuses on the actions implemented by partners in the South and Grand’Anse after the earthquake in August 2021. . The second is devoted to the launch of the Fonds d’Investissement Local (FIL) in the Grand'Anse region. The FIL is a mechanism that fuels local authorities and civil society organisations to identify priority projects and implement them in a responsible and participatory manner.